Friday, March 26, 2010


I was just thinking how important it is to take risks in life... not risks like skydiving, although I admit I've been thinking about that one again lately. Have I gotten to the age where that's just off the table? Flip that! So... it's on the table but kind of far away. Still risks are necessary - all the ways that we risk ourselves - our emotions, our ideas, our insecurities. I love, truly love, the idea that mistakes are how we grow. I love it because I think it's true. You have to risk being wrong to get it right. Right? How many times have I heard that it took what's his name... um...lightbulb guy.. shiz... I'm gonna have to google this, be right back.. okay.. it was Thomas Edison, but now I find out he didn't even technically invent the first lightbulb.. he invented a version of one and looks like he used some other guy's invention to work off of. And I couldn't find out how many times it took him to do it. But I think by now you get what I'm saying. The guy had over 1,000 U.S. patents. Not all of those were genius, you can bet on it. But if even one... Oh and another interesting tidbit - he was friends with Henry Ford. So risks. Which brings me back to the topic for today and that's Networking.

Networking is a vital, sometimes annoying aspect of the film industry, most industries, I'd imagine, especially one where you're trying to get people to look at your ideas and think it has at least a modicum of promise to it. It always comes down to sales. You're trying to get people to believe, not just in what your selling, but in you. Networking is how people find out about you... otherwise, you're just like any other shmo writing your version of Star Wars locked away in your bedroom with incense and a poster of Harrison Ford up on the wall. (No, really, that wasn't me!)

For people to believe in you.. you have to believe in you. And that can be hard sometimes.. I'm a doubting Thomas (but not Edison) when it comes to my own ideas. What I'm learning is just to focus on having fun, relaxing and having a good time, then I'm more myself and feel more comfortable sharing naturally. When I'm nervous I over-analyze, stress and contract and then everything probably comes out forced. I think it's also good to trust that the right people for your project will come... and the ones that don't work out, well then they just weren't right. Yes, everything does happen for a reason, even what we call the bad stuff. Networking can and should be fun, so enjoy getting to meet new people, regardless of their role in your life. Everyone has a gift for you and you a gift for them if you take time to find out what it is.

Today I got a chance to meet with the San Antonio Film Commission Director, Drew Mayer-Oakes, for lunch. From afar, he's always been a little intimidating, but again, I decided I would go into the meeting with an open mind and an open heart and it ended up being a really interesting, informative and even fun experience. It's just always a lovely time meeting people that share a passion for what you love. Where will it lead? Who knows and who cares. The point is put yourself out there and trust the universe to do the rest. Also a quick shout-out to the wonderful Janet Vasquez of the SA Film Commission!

Best of luck to all of you on your creative journey!

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