Monday, March 29, 2010

Promoting Your Film by Monkey Osmosis

Any chance you have to promote your film, take it. Sometimes it's a lot of effort for little return but you never know when you might just tip the scale with that one person. You know the story of 100 monkeys? Once 100 monkeys on one side of the island know how to peel bananas.. all of a sudden all the monkeys on the island know how to peel bananas.. by some kind of Monkey Osmosis.

This week we're having a "demo" party.. to screen the demo of the film (aka proof of concept that we shot to entice investors), maybe raise a little money, and primarily, get the word out. It's given us an excuse to send out press releases, post on our Facebook Fan page, send out emails and essentially just get people excited about the film. We got an article in the out of it, far so good! With enough persistence you can find sponsers for events like this. It gives them a chance to promote their stuff to a new audience and of course you want to offer them as much credit as possible.. on your website, if you have one, that kind of thing. Unfortunately, we only had a month to plan so it was hard finding sponsors for this event, but we were lucky enough to get Don's & Ben's to donate a case of wine and some tasting chocolates from Schakolad Chocolate Factory. Add a little cheese and crackers, some sweet music by our friend and fashionista by day, DJ by night, Agosto Cuellar and you have yourself a lovely little shin-dig!

Here's the links, if you want to check out the demo and the article:

Demo: (Watch this version if you use a Mac or have trouble with the previous one.)

Examiner Article:

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